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Our Forklift Truck Delivers Productivity with Every Move

We are committed to providing our customers with super exceptional service while offering our employees the best training and a working environment in which they can excel best of all place for more than a half century.

This company focus has been in place for more than a half century. We are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service while offering our employees the best training best of all and a working environment.

Services we offers:

Full Service Material Handling
Highly Qualified Forklift Services
Sale of New & Used Forklift Equipment
Forklift Equipment Rental

A Dedicated Forklift parts department
Rack Storage System
In-house tire pressing
Forklift Transportation services


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

No delay

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Le chariot élévateur que nous avons commandé pour notre entrepôt est robuste et facile à manœuvrer. Un excellent investissement pour notre logistique. J’ai bien fait de miser sur eux. Je recommande vivement leur professionnalisme. Je suis un client satisfait.

André Pellier

Je trouve leur service sacrément simplifié et accessible, j’ai aimé cela. L’agent qui m’a pris en charge a très vite compris les besoins de mon entreprise et m’a donné des conseils sur les aspects techniques es équipements adaptés à la réussite de notre projet. Livré sans retard, j’i apprécié.

Justin Cadoux

La procédure de commande était très facile et je n’ai eu aucun mal à parler à un de leurs experts. Je suis reconnaissant pour le professionnalisme de SAS PLM, le tarif était correct, et la livraison ponctuelle. Je les recommande vivement

Jerome Caducin

Ils sont rapides et efficaces, sans tracas ni vice caché. Pour notre part nous sommes très satisfait et nous vous les recommandons vivement.

Alphonse Cadet

Our Forklift Truck Delivers Productivity with Every Move

We are committed to providing our customers with super exceptional service while offering our employees the best training and a working environment in which they can excel best of all place for more than a half century.

This company focus has been in place for more than a half century. We are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service while offering our employees the best training best of all and a working environment.

Services we offers:

Banks & Financial Institutions face a challenging & dynamic environment with…

Banks & Financial Institutions face a challenging & dynamic environment with…

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